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These materials are copyright Western Civilisation Pty Ltd.


They are brought to you courtesy of Style Master CSS Editor and Westciv's standards based web development courses.

Please see our website for detailed copyright information or contact us [email protected].

westciv downloadable courses

html and xhtml

Revised and updated - with new sections including

  • preparing for XHTML 2.0
  • dealing with "quirks mode"
  • making tables work

Our HTML and XHTML for CSS course will give a solid theoretical and practical foundation to web development. For the last few years, the World Wide Web Consortium, and other standards bodies have been trying to standardize the technologies of the web. Yet very little training exists which covers these standards and subjects such as

Not just for beginners, HTML and XHTML for CSS has been developed for

This course covers the foundations of standards based HTML development, preparing you for the use of Cascading Style Sheets in conjunction with HTML. It is designed to work closely with our CSS course, which builds upon the work you do here, so that by the end of the two courses you will have completed a major web development project.

The course assumes no existing knowledge, and is designed to be done with hand coded HTML, so requires no particular tools. A text editor is all that is required, though code based HTML editors, such as HomeSite are suitable. WYSIWYG editors are less suitable, as the course relies on seeing and working with the HTML code itself.

How the course works

Doing any westciv self paced course is simple. Once you've purchased you just have to download the course itself and you're ready to start learning, in your own time, at your own pace. All our courses build your knowledge incrementally as the project develops and at each step you will learn through