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If you're looking for tech support, or trying to solve a Style Master or CSS problem, please check our FAQ page.
However, if you're wanting to contact us about anything else, please use the form below.
// Anti-pam (reCaptcha) initialisation require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].'/php_include/recaptchalib.php'); $recaptcha_publicKey = "6LdiqAcAAAAAAB6cUaKxj0OOkIPfozdC-2Z85J7q"; $recaptcha_privateKey = "6LdiqAcAAAAAAKtnOm92Q7fs6pF4h1DnE8OL_a4x"; if( (isset($_POST['real_email']) && !empty($_POST['real_email'])) || (isset($_POST['real_subject']) && !empty($_POST['real_subject'])) || (isset($_POST['comment']) && !empty($_POST['comment'])) ) { if( !isset($_POST['email']) ) break; $message = ""; if( isset($_POST['real_email']) ){ if( empty($_POST['real_email']) ) { $message = "Please enter an email address; we need to know how to get back to you!"; } else { $valid_email = validEmail($_POST['real_email']); if( !$valid_email ) $message = "Can you please check the email address you entered, as it isn't a valid address."; } } if( !isset($_POST['real_subject']) || (isset($_POST['real_subject']) && ( empty($_POST['real_subject']))) && empty($message)) $message[] = "Please select a subject for your message; we need to know what it's about!"; if( isset($_POST['comment']) && empty($_POST['comment']) && empty($message) ) $message[] = "Please enter your message, as we need to know what's bothering you."; // Anti-spam (reCaptcha) check $resp = recaptcha_check_answer($recaptcha_privateKey, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]); if( !$resp->is_valid ) $message = "Please re-try the anti-spam check; the words you enetered were incorrect."; if( empty($message) ) { $receiver = '[email protected]'; $subject = 'Westciv Enquiry: ' . $_POST['real_subject']; $msg = $_POST['comment']; $from = $_POST['real_email']; if( mail($receiver, $subject, $msg, "From: " . $from . " <" . $from . ">") ) $message = "Thank you for your enquiry, we'll get back to you as soon as possible."; else $message = "We're sorry, but our email server is unavailable at the moment. Please try sending us your message in an hour or so."; } } ?>
These materials are copyright Western Civilisation Pty Ltd.
They are brought to you courtesy of Style Master CSS Editor and Westciv's standards based web development courses.
Please see our website for detailed copyright information or contact us [email protected].
If you're looking for tech support, or trying to solve a Style Master or CSS problem, please check our FAQ page.
However, if you're wanting to contact us about anything else, please use the form below.